Deep Cleansing Milk

CODE/编号: SF 5002
Volume: 200 ml

Effectively remove make-up without disturbing the pH of the skin. Gently apply Deep Cleansing Milk on to the skin with circular movements to loosen up grime, debris and make-up. Tissue and rinse off thoroughly. Suitable for all skin types even the most sensitive skin.

專为清除脸部污垢,角质及卸除彩妆时所用之保濕性洁肤乳,能促进肌肤代谢,平衡肌肤pH值,适用于任何肌肤,甚至过敏肌肤者。每晚卸粧時,先取適量 DEEP CLEANSING MILK輕輕按摩於臉上,眼部以及唇部,然後用面紙擦拭乾淨以及用清水潔面。

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