Ginseng Eye Cream

CODE/编号: SD 3030
Volume: 25 ml

Ginseng Eye Cream strengthens and smoothens the tissues around the eyes, dramatically softens fine lines and wrinkles, helps to reduce puffiness and shadows under the eyes and yields a more beautiful and youthful appearance.

Gently apply Ginseng Eye Cream by using ring fingers around the eye areas after cleansing, in the morning and evening.

Ginseng Eye Cream能有效供給眼部營養,消除魚尾紋及細皺紋,改善黑眼圈及眼袋,且具保濕作用,滋潤美化眼部。

早晚洗淨臉後,先拍化粧水如Softening Lotion或Hydrating Lotion後,再取少量Ginseng Eye Cream用無名指均勻拭擦於眼部周圍. 然後再加使用面霜. 在早上, 可加用防曬隔離霜Protective Cream (SPF 50). 如需要,可再塗上松粉 Translucent Loose Powder.